[Plura-list] Making Hay; Free markets; STREAMLINER

Cory Doctorow doctorow at craphound.com
Mon Mar 15 08:47:04 EDT 2021

Today's links

* Making Hay: My new "Lost Cause" story in MIT Tech Review's "Make Shift."

* Free markets: My latest Locus column on rent-seeking and audiobooks.

* STREAMLINER: Vantablack noir French hotrod comics for the win.

* This day in history: 2001, 2006, 2016, 2020

* Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current
writing projects, current reading


🦿 Making Hay

Back in December 2019, I started work on "The Lost Cause," a post-GND
novel that tells the conflicts that come AFTER we apply ourselves to
addressing and remediating the climate emergency, including relocating
every coastal city in the world inland.

I'm nearly done with the first draft (you can follow my progress on my
daily words hashtag) and one of the ways that I've worked out the ideas
in the book was by writing short stories telling the stories of how
things unfold elsewhere in the world:


The first one of these to see publication is "Making Hay," about the
low-carbon concrete prefab factories that only run when there's more
solar than the local baseline usage can takeup, and the wild instant
cities being built inland from drowned California towns they replace.

"Making Hay" appears in MIT Tech Review's "MAKE SHIFT," edited by Gideon
Lichfield: it's the latest instalment in its long-running, excellent "12
Tomorrows" series of anthologies.


I'm sharing a bill with many brilliant sf writers, including my old
collaborator Karl Schroeder, Madeline Ashby (I published her first
story!), and such luminaries as Adrian Hon, Malka Older, Hannu
Rajaniemi, Ken Liu, and many others.

"Making Hay" is a story about salvaging hope from the inevitable trauma
of the coming emergencies, each of which will be worse than the last -
about a group of young people who call themselves "the first generation
in a century that doesn't fear the future."

Writing it (and The Lost Cause) was a tonic for me through the plague
year, a daily visit to a place where the fact that we are in crisis is
cause for resolve and solidarity, not despair.


🦿 Free markets

Last autumn, I ran the most successful audiobook crowdfunding campaign
ever, raising nearly $270k with ATTACK SURFACE, the third Little Brother


As successful as the campaign was, the delivery was a nightmare. Part of
that was down to some pretty poor digital distribution tools on my
fulfilment partner's side, but the real problem was mobile devices and
their operating systems.

The earliest mobile devices made it very simple to synch and listen to
audio you downloaded from the internet. Just plug in your Ipod, wait a
few minutes and unplug it, and you'd have all your music synched and
ready to listen to.

That's no longer true. If you download a zip file of MP3s to your laptop
and want to transfer them to your phone or tablet to listen to on the
go, the process involves many, many steps, and it baffled hundreds of my
backers, who found themselves stymied by the complexity.

Of course, it's rare that we get digital assets by downloading them
direct to our devices or transfering them from laptops - these days, it
all comes through an app and "just works." So why not deliver everything
via app?

For the same reason I had to do a Kickstarter, as it turns out. The
market for audiobooks is monopolized by Amazon, through its Audible
division. Audible has a mandatory DRM policy.

To sell a book through Audible, you have to let Amazon wrap it in its
proprietary "digital lock." That lock can only be removed by Amazon - if
I give you a tool to liberate my audiobooks, I commit a felony under Sec
1201 of the DMCA, and can go to prison for *five years*.

Locking my customers to Amazon forever is not good for my future.
Amazon, after all, is notorious for squeezing its suppliers, and while
we authors associated with major publishers aren't yet in the vice,
indie audiobook authors are.

Amazon has stolen tens of millions of dollars from indie audiobook
authors, who are also contractually forbidden from withdrawing their
books from Audible:


Amazon hasn't exercised forbearance for us "big name pros" out of
respect for our stature - we've been spared this wage-theft thus far
because they know our publishers are powerful enough to push back. But
Amazon gains power daily, and once they can squeeze us, they will.

I'd sell my audiobooks through Audible if I could. My agent tells me
that not selling through Audible cost me enough to pay off my mortgage
and probably pay for most of my kid's college education. But I've turned
down that money, because I WON'T lock my readers to Amazon.

Economists have a name for the extra money that companies like Audible
are able to extract from buyers and sellers by dint of owning a
choke-point in the market: this money is called "economic rents," and
Audible is a "rent-seeker."

The founder who builds a factory and the workers who make it function
all contribute something to its product. The landlord who owns the dirt
underneath it contributes nothing, but still extracts rent, raising
prices and lowering wages and profits.

Adam Smith railed against rents, describing markets as "free" when they
were *free from rents*, not free from regulations. For centuries, a
"free market" was a market where buyers and sellers operated without
interference from rentiers, not regulators.

This is the subject of my latest Locus column, "Free Markets," which
makes the connection between Amazon's rent-seeking on audiobooks and the
reason I couldn't deliver my audiobooks by app.


The short answer? If you sell stuff through an app on either of the
major mobile app stores, then Google and Apple require you to use their
payment processors and pay 30% for the privilege.

Apple recently cut its app tax to 15% for some sellers, but the actual
cost of processing a payment is 0.5-3%. It's ironic that two of the most
aggressive corporate tax-evaders in the world are levying a 30% tax on
anyone who uses mobile devices.

But it's not merely ironic, it's fatal. One of the audiobooks I sold in
my crowdfunder was the Random House audiobook of LITTLE BROTHER; which
retails for $20. I get a 20% wholesale discount on it (I make $4/copy).
If I sold that book to you on an app, I'd *lose* $2/copy.

Which brings me back to the massive regression in ease-of-use for
downloaded media on mobile devices, the massive retreat in usability
from the first Ipods to their distant descendants in our pockets today.

It's possible that this is a coincidence. Maybe the fact that unusable
web-downloads corral sellers into using app stores and handing over 30%
commissions are just a coincidence.

But maybe not. Maybe mobile devices intentionally suck as download
devices because wrecking the once-functional download workflow makes
billions for the mobile duopoly.

I crowdfunded an audiobook to escape Amazon's rent-seeking, only to get
caught in the rent-trap of Googple. Once we dreamt of free markets,
where buyers and sellers could transact without rentiers sticking their
hand in the till.

Today, we have *unregulated* markets that are anything but free. Sure,
the ferryman is free to buy out the bridge company and shut it down, and
force all the other ferry services out of business and then charge
merchants 30% vig to reach the market.

But the "free market"? It's nowhere to be found.



I just finished my second pandemic staycation, a two-week, at-home revel
in simple pleasures, like discovering new comics. A visit to Burbank's
House of Secrets led to my acquiring the two-volume French graphic novel
STREAMLINER, and it was *brilliant*.


STREAMLINER is the story of a secret outlaw hotrod race set up in
different remote places every year, in which the racers compete to push
souped-up classic jalopies of the 30s, 40s and 50s to lethal speeds,
trading paint for the right to boss the infamous Red Noses gang.

This year, the Red Noses' leader has brought his gang to Evel O'Neil's
remote desert gas-station, where Evel - a retired legend of Streamliner
racing - lives with his granddaughter in the shadow of his old
fighter-plane, shot down long ago in no-man's land.

Billy Joe, the leader of the Red Noses, cuts the phone lines and puts
the word out that this year's race has found the ideal site: a desert
that is in contested international territory, where the fed cops that
hunt the racers have no jurisdiction.

Old Evel isn't all there anymore; the booze and the isolation have
reduced him to a shadow of his former self. But his granddaughter
Cristal is as smart and tough as they come, but she quickly comes to
realize that there's no getting away from it - the race will take place.

But misery turns to tragedy when Evel gets into a drunken poker game
with Nikky "The Head," Billy Joe's nemesis, and stakes the gas-station,
the wrecked fighter plane, and the desert he holds title to on the
outcome of the race.

To save her family's home and land, Cristal must race in the Black
Widow, Evel's painstakingly rebuilt Streamliner, and compete against a
motley crew that includes the meanest all-woman biker gang in the world,
the feds' number one most wanted killer, and others.

To make everything more complicated, a powerful senator has cut a deal
with a broadcaster to turn the race into a reality TV show in the hopes
of domesticating and de-fanging it, and has dispatched a blimp to
broadcast the race as it's run.

And on top of *that*, there's the Senator's real target, William "Billy
the Kid" Bonney, the number one most wanted murderer on the hit parade,
who is to be assassinated under the race's cover by feds masquerading as

All this plays out with so much fucking noir it's practically
vantablack, in a way that makes it clear why STREAMLINER and its creator
Fane are great heroes of the French comics scene.

American comics are in the midst of a decades-long revival, but
honestly, they have a *lot* of catching up to do. The anti-comics
witch-hunts of the 1950s, led by the fraudster Frederic "Seduction of
the Innocents" Wertham, set the field back by half a century.

In the meantime, the rest of the world raced ahead, developing comics
vernaculars that have done things with the forms that have still never
been seen in the USA.

That's how pioneering presses like First Second were able to attain
liftoff: by cherry-picking these incredible marvels of the non-English
comics world and bringing them to the Anglosphere in translation.

And it's what Magnetic Press, the publisher of STREAMLINER, is doing
here. The American comics renaissance is just the tip of the iceberg:
the rest of the world is doing stuff with comics that'll knock your
socks off, and this is a great place to start.


🦿 This day in history

#20yrsago Special 1040 for laid-off web workers

#10yrsago My weird femur printed in stainless steel

#10yrsago New York slashes hospital spending, but can’t touch
multimillion-dollar CEO paychecks

#10yrsago War on the PC and the network: copyright was just the start

#10yrsago Bahrain’s royals declare martial law

#10yrsago Poor countries have more piracy because media costs too much

#5yrsago America’s universities: Hedge funds saddled with inconvenient
educational institutions

#5yrsago Open letter from virtually every leading UK law light:
Snooper’s Charter not fit for purpose

#1yrago Chelsea Manning's supporters pay off her $256,000 fine in a day


🦿 Colophon

Today's top sources:

Currently writing:

* My next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and
reconciliation. Feb 26 progress: 504 words (115653 total).

* A short story, "Jeffty is Five," for The Last Dangerous Visions. Feb
progress: 255 words (7816 total).

Currently reading: Analogia by George Dyson.

Latest podcast: Privacy Without Monopoly: Data Protection and
Interoperability (Part 2)

Upcoming appearances:

* Affordable Internet Day of Action, Mar 16,

* World Ethical Data Forum keynote, Mar 17-19,

* Launching "The Future You" with Brian David Johnson, Mar 19,

*  Balancing Worldbuilding and Narrative (with Karen Osborne and Kali
Wallace), Mar 24,

* Interop: Self-Determination vs Dystopia (FITC), Apr 19-21,

Recent appearances:

* One Plague Year Later (Cory Doctorow, Nisi Shawl):

* Canadian Speculative Fiction (Unknown Worlds):

* Who Uses the Users? (This Machine Kills)

Latest book:

* "Attack Surface": The third Little Brother novel, a standalone
technothriller for adults. The *Washington Post* called it "a political
cyberthriller, vigorous, bold and savvy about the limits of revolution
and resistance." Order signed, personalized copies from Dark Delicacies

* "How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism": an anti-monopoly pamphlet
analyzing the true harms of surveillance capitalism and proposing a
(print edition:
(signed copies:

* "Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new
introduction by Edward Snowden:
https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250774583; personalized/signed copies

* "Poesy the Monster Slayer" a picture book about monsters, bedtime,
gender, and kicking ass. Order here:
https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627. Get a personalized, signed
copy here:

This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
That means you can use it any way you like, including commercially,
provided that you attribute it to me, Cory Doctorow, and include a link
to pluralistic.net.


Quotations and images are not included in this license; they are
included either under a limitation or exception to copyright, or on the
basis of a separate license. Please exercise caution.


🦿 How to get Pluralistic:

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"*When life gives you SARS, you make sarsaparilla*" -Joey "Accordion
Guy" DeVilla

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